26 research outputs found

    Masking Proofs are Tight (and How to Exploit it in Security Evaluations)

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    Evaluating the security level of a leaking implementation against side-channel attacks is a challenging task. This is especially true when countermeasures such as masking are implemented since in this case: (i) the amount of measurements to perform a key recovery may become prohibitive for certification laboratories, and (ii) applying optimal (multivariate) attacks may be computationally intensive and technically challenging. In this paper, we show that by taking advantage of the tightness of masking security proofs, we can significantly simplify this evaluation task in a very general manner. More precisely, we show that the evaluation of a masked implementation can essentially be reduced to the one of an unprotected implementation. In addition, we show that despite optimal attacks against masking schemes are computationally intensive for large number of shares, heuristic (soft analytical side-channel) attacks can approach optimality very efficiently. As part of this second contribution, we also improve over the recent multivariate (aka horizontal) side-channel attacks proposed at CHES 2016 by Battistello et al

    Customer Experience Management

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    Dieser Beitrag leistet einen Beitrag zur Marketingforschung, da er den jungen aber von zunehmender Relevanz geprĂ€gten Forschungsstrang zum Themenkomplex CEM grundlegend entwickelt. Zum einen zeigt das identifizierte Rahmenkonzept auf, dass CEM ĂŒber einzelne unternehmerische FĂ€higkeiten wie dem Design von Serviceerlebnissen, das die bisherige CEM-Forschung bestimmt hat, hinausgeht. Zum anderen leistet das Konzept einen Beitrag zur Synthese fragmentierter, aber miteinander zusammenhĂ€ngender Literaturströmungen in der Marketingforschung ..

    Differential Cluster Analysis

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    Contains fulltext : 75491.pdf (author's version ) (Open Access)Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2009, 6 september 200

    Logical Attacks on Secured Containers of the Java Card Platform

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    Testing Framework for eSTREAM ProïŹle II Candidates

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    Contains fulltext : 127462.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)SASC 2006 - Stream Ciphers Revisited Special Workshop hosted by the ECRYPT Network of Excellence Leuven, Belgium, February 2-3, 200

    Susceptibility of eSTREAM Candidates towards Side Channel Analysis

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    Contains fulltext : 127425.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access)SASC - The State of the Art of Stream Ciphers Special Workshop hosted by the ECRYPT Network of Excellence Lausanne, Switzerland, February 13-14, 200

    Efficient Stochastic Methods: Profiled Attacks Beyond 8 Bits

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-16763-3_6Template attacks and stochastic models are among the most powerful side-channel attacks. However, they can be computationally expensive when processing a large number of samples. Various compression techniques have been used very successfully to reduce the data dimensionality prior to applying template attacks, most notably Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Fisher?s Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). These make the attacks more efficient computationally and help the profiling phase to converge faster. We show how these ideas can also be applied to implement stochastic models more efficiently, and we also show that they can be applied and evaluated even for more than eight unknown data bits at once